"Will my CPD certificates get me a job?"
Taking a CPD accredited course is an excellent way to improve your skills and stay up to date with industry advancements. CPD courses come in many forms, including podcasts, seminars, webinars, classroom courses, conferences and more. They are a proven way on brushing up on your career knowledge, but can they really get you that job you’ve always wanted? Continue reading to find out!
Do employers consider CPD certificates?
Having an accredited certificate in an area relevant to the job you’re applying for is a great asset to your application. A CPD certificate provides evidence that you have the relevant skills to excel in your desired role. Additionally, taking a CPD accredited course demonstrates that you’re committed to learning new things and broadening your horizons.
If you’re committed to upskilling yourself, employers will have confidence that you’re forward thinking and like to stay ahead of the curve. This is an excellent quality that any employer will admire – and one that sets you in good stead to get that all important job interview!
Got a job interview? Here's how to ace it!
How do I get a CPD certificate? 🤔
You can get a CPD Certificate by taking a CPD accredited course.
A Continuous Professional Development or CPD course is a type of learning program designed to help professionals stay up-to-date with the latest knowledge and skills in their chosen field.
These courses typically involve an in-depth look at a particular subject or skill and are designed to help professionals improve their understanding and develop their expertise. CPD courses can be taken online, in-person, or through a combination of both.
What are CPD credits or CPD points?
CPD Credits are a measurement of the amount of CPD you have undertaken. Typically, one CPD credit or point is equivalent to one hour of learning. CPD Credits are a great way to log how much CPD you have completed. In some industries, you may be required to collect a certain amount of CPD credits as a minimum which you will log in your professional portfolio.
You can display the amount of CPD credits you have collected on your CV to demonstrate the amount of learning you have completed.
Learn more about CPD credits here!
Are CPD certificates enough on their own?
Achieving a CPD accredited certificate is a great addition to any application, however it’s important to read the job description. The recruiter may specify that you need a certain level of education like a Bachelor’s degree or A-levels, or they may require a specific amount of experience to qualify for the role.
It's worth researching which jobs in the industry require CPD certificates, and then tailoring your resume and job applications accordingly to highlight your qualifications and experience in the most effective way.
How do I know if my CPD certificate is legitimate?
One way to check the legitimacy of a CPD course is quality is to check if it has been accredited by a CPD accreditation body like The CPD Group. CPD Accreditation is the process of recognising and assessing a professional development course against certain standards and criteria. For example, at The CPD Group, we assess every CPD course against our A.C.C.R.E.D.I.T.E.D Framework to ensure that every aspect of the course is accurate, engaging, and credible.
In order to see whether a CPD course has been accredited, there are a few things you can look out for. Firstly, you can look out for a CPD Accredited logo.
Secondly, you can search for it on The CPD Register. The CPD Register is an independent register of CPD Accredited courses, providers, and trainers. You can verify a CPD course by looking for the accreditation number displayed on their logo. If the course is genuinely accredited, it should appear when you search this number on the register.
So… can I get a job with a CPD Certificate?
Yes, you can! 🙌
Combined with relevant experience and any other requirements set out by the employer, CPD Certificates can give you the edge over other applicants applying for the same role. They set you above the competition by displaying that you go the extra mile when it comes to your career.
Investing in extra training courses shows that you care about being the best you can be and are in constant pursuit of new knowledge and skills. Who wouldn’t want to employ someone with that attitude?
If you’re on the job hunt, we wish you the best of luck in your search! Be sure to search The CPD Register to find accredited CPD courses relevant to your job search.