What does CPD Accreditation Cost?

What does CPD Accreditation Cost?

Unsure About CPD Accreditation Plans? We've Got You Covered! 💸

Are you considering The CPD Group to accredit your CPD training courses? It's a smart move!

But before you dive in, you might have some questions. This blog post tackles some of the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding The CPD Group's accreditation plans, such as...

💬 Is there a sign up cost?

💬Can I get an accreditation quote?

💬Do my CPD courses need to be ready now?

💬Can I add more courses as I go along?

Continue reading and be sure to check out our FAQ podcast to get all of your questions answered!

Getting Started is Free and Easy, No Sign Up Costs!

There's no upfront cost to find out if your company is a good fit for the accreditation process. Unlike some competitors, we don't charge for the initial application process that assesses your company's readiness for offering CPD training. There are also no membership fees to worry about, making the process accessible and affordable.

If you want to give us a try, sign up for free here!

Yes, get your FREE Accreditation Quote! 💬

Transparent Costs and Flexible Payment Options

Wondering how much accreditation will cost? We offer a user-friendly cost calculator on our website. This allows you to estimate the cost based on the number of courses you want accredited and the desired plan duration. We understand and appreciate that cash flow is important to any business, so providing a flexible payment option is a necessity.

You can choose to pay upfront and receive a 5% discount, or opt for a convenient monthly instalment to spread out the cost. Additionally, international clients benefit from no VAT on the pricing. So if you’re an overseas customer, you can benefit from this scheme.

Don't Worry! There's No Need to Have All Courses Ready at Once.

Don't have all your courses developed yet? No problem!

Our accreditation plans don't require you to have everything finished upfront. You can sign up for a plan and submit courses as they become ready.

The 36-month accreditation term only begins once the course has actually been accredited, not from the date you purchase the plan. This ensures you get the full accreditation duration for each course you submit.

Our Phased Approach and Ongoing Course Development

At The CPD Group, we encourage a phased approach, allowing you to submit courses as you complete them. We also recognise that your CPD training offerings may evolve over time. If you develop new courses or want to update your existing professional development courses, you can simply add them to your current plan as long as there's space. The full 36-month accreditation term applies to any course you add, so you get the most out of your investment.

Additional Resources and Support

The CPD Group's service goes beyond accreditation. We offer a dedicated portal with resources to help our customers construct their high-quality training courses. Additionally, our podcasts, blogs, emails and newsletter provide valuable insights on course preparation and best practices.

So, be sure to keep an eye or ear out for them!

Ready to Get Started?

If you have any questions or are ready to discuss your accreditation needs, get in touch today. Our friendly and knowledgeable team are always happy to help make the process as smooth as possible.

By addressing these FAQs, we hope to shed light on the accreditation plans available and make your decision-making process easier. With our transparent pricing, flexible options, and ongoing support, The CPD Group can be a valuable partner in your journey to offering high-quality CPD training.

Watch the full video 👇

In this podcast, Andy and Business Development Manager Nicole sit down to discuss the common questions we get from customers.