Why Should You Accredit Your Events with us?

Why Should You Accredit Your Events with us?

Before we get into Events accreditation, let’s start with the basics…

What is CPD?

CPD, which stands for Continuing Professional Development, refers to anything that helps professionals to develop their career skills and knowledge. This covers things like classroom courses, webinars, podcasts, lectures, and – you guessed it - events and conferences!

What is a CPD Event?

Any event that gives participants the chance to engage in learning and development and gain new skills that will help them in their careers is considered a CPD event. This includes exhibitions as well as conferences and seminar events that have a focus on careers and skills building. These events can focus on a certain skill or component of working, and can cover any industry or area of expertise.

For example, we’ve accredited industry specific events like Mechanex, and The Care and Occupational Therapy Show, as well as broader events like the Business Revival Conference and The Remote Working Expo.

What is CPD Event Accreditation?

Our accreditation team will assess your event to ensure it engages its attendees in learning and development throughout. Additionally, we’ll accredit any breakout sessions and seminars held your event. We will create and provide bespoke attendance certificates that can be scanned using QR codes displayed throughout your event.

Test out the QR code to see how it'll work for your attendees!

So, why accredit your event with The CPD Group?

As an Events organiser, we know you’ll already have a lot on your plate. So, we’ll simplify things for you and break down why you should accredit your events with us:

1) It’s Simple

We’ve worked with major clients from around the world who organise multiple CPD events annually, so we understand how busy life gets as an event organiser. This is why we’ve made event accreditation as hassle free as possible, so you can enjoy all the benefits of accreditation without any unnecessary stress! To free you up to concentrate on other crucial responsibilities, our team is here to walk you through the process and handle all the hard work for you.

First, you’ll become a CPD Provider, which accredits your company as a whole to demonstrate that you have all the fundamentals in places to offer excellent learning and development events. This provides benefits to your company before your event has even been accredited, indicating that you’re a credible organisation can be trusted to deliver outstanding events. Once you’ve become a CPD Provider, we’ll accredit the event itself...

2) Add Credibility to Your Event

You’ll be adding that extra layer of trust and credibility to your event by getting it CPD accredited. We’ve accredited some of the most popular and well-known learning and development events in the UK and worldwide, including events from Inspire Motive, The Business Show, FSB, and many more! 

By getting accredited with us, you’ll be demonstrating to your prospective attendees that your event is a level above the rest, providing a valuable experience that will equip them with new skills and knowledge.

3) Add Value for Your Attendees

By getting your event accredited with us, you’re not only adding extra credibility to your event. You’ll also be adding more benefits for your attendees! Attendees will be able to scan QR codes across your event to verify their attendance with an accredited CPD certificate. Additionally, they’ll be able to collect CPD points for seminars and breakout sessions.

Attendance certificates are fully branded to your event and display the attendees name and title of the event or seminar they have attended. Your attendees will be able to add this to their professional portfolio to evidence the learning and development they experienced at your event.

Offering CPD points offers another valuable advantage to attendees from industries where employees are required to complete a set amount of learning activities annually. For example, those in industries including nursing, care, teaching and counselling. Attendees who participate in government programmes like apprenticeships, which call for trackable CPD points, will also benefit as they can log your event as off-the-job training.

4) You’ll be listed on The CPD Register

In order to get an event accredited, your company will need to become a CPD Accredited Provider first. This means that your company will be listed on The CPD Register automatically. The CPD Register is the directory of all things CPD, and it’s where learners go to find learning they can trust. By being listed on The CPD Register, your events organisation will be demonstrating that you have all the requirements to hold excellent CPD events!

Still not convinced? Check out our video on the Different Standards of Event Accreditation in the CPD Industry (we're on the right 😉)

Now you know the perks... but how does event accreditation work?


Step 1) Become a CPD Provider

Firstly, you’ll need to register as a CPD Provider with us. This accredits your company as a whole to verify that you are CPD ready and have all the fundamentals in place to offer a quality CPD Event.

Step 2) Application

Next, you’ll need to fill out an application form telling us some more information about your event.

Step 3) Verification

We’ll then need to see a few documents from you that will allow us to verify your event and secure your accreditation.

Step 4) Done!

Once we’ve reviewed your event and given you the thumbs up, your event will officially be accredited! We’ll then work to get you your event QR codes and bespoke certificates, and you’ll be all set.

We hope that this blog post has given you a better insight into getting your events accredited with The CPD Group. However, if you have any further questions, our friendly team are always more than happy to help!