British Association of Beauty Therapy and Cosmetology (BABTAC)

BABTAC is a top membership organisation and insurance provider for professionals in the fields of beauty, holistic, and sports therapy. The British Association of Beauty Therapy& Cosmetology was founded in 1977 and are a not-for-profit business that is reinvesting in the company to help its members. Originally established by a group of eager industry specialists, who saw the need for an industry-specific membership organisation. After 40 years, BABTAC's goal of improving industry standards and ensuring the ongoing well-being of its employees has not changed. They are honored to represent more than 10,000 industry professionals as BABTAC members thanks to their unmatched passion and expertise, strict ethical code, and high professional practice standards. Best practice advises you to complete at least 30 hours of CPD per year, or 30 points, as BABTAC takes ongoing learning seriously as a quality benchmark.