Royal College of Psychiatrists RCPSYCH

The RCPSYCH is the specialist medical organization in charge of assisting psychiatrists throughout their careers, from education to retirement, as well as establishing and improving British psychiatry standards. By endorsing exceptional mental health services, training excemplary psychiatrists, creating quality and research, establishing standards, and serving as the voice of psychiatry, they work to ensure the best outcomes for those who suffer from mental illness, learning disorders, or developmental disorders. The College's CPD program is available to current Members, Fellows, Affiliates and Specialist Associates who use it to demonstrate their eligibility for the program by participating in at least 50 credits per year (as approved by the peer group). The College will grant a CPD certificate of good ranking once these prerequisites have been satisfied. A psychiatrist's CPD activity has typically been acknowledged by giving them a certain number of credits or points, which correspond to the amount of time spent learning and its impact. At least 50 credits annually and 250 credits during each 5-year revalidation cycle are the minimum requirements. CPD credits are typically given to learning activities by the peer group, who must also be satisfied that the necessary development and reflection have occurred. A psychiatrist may count an activity as CPD, up to six credits per day. The activity shouldn't be counted as CPD if it had no educational value. The organisation may only approve some of the engagement for credits (e.g., 4 credits for a day of lectures) if it only partially relates to the individual's role.