Celebrate Learning at Work Week 2024!

Celebrate Learning at Work Week 2024!

This week (May 13th - 19th) marks Learning at Work Week, a fantastic initiative dedicated to promoting lifelong learning in the workplace.

But why is continuous learning at work so important?

In today's rapidly evolving world, staying ahead of the curve requires constant skill development and knowledge acquisition. Learning at Work Week is a chance to celebrate the power of learning and its impact on both individuals and organisations.

LAW Week is led nationally by Campaign for Learning. The initiative is dedicated to promoting workplace learning and empowering organisations to create engaging and inclusive events.

Get Involved!

Here are some ways you can participate in Learning at Work Week, whether you're an employee or manager:


  • Seek out learning opportunities: Take advantage of workshops, online courses, or mentorship programs offered by your company.
  • Embrace new challenges: Volunteer for a new project or take on a stretch assignment to push yourself outside your comfort zone.
  • Record all forms of learning: Log all types of learning, including non-traditional forms, such as listening to podcasts. After all, they all help with personal development.


  • Promote a culture of learning: Encourage your team to attend workshops and support their professional development goals.
  • Organise learning activities: Host in-house training sessions or team-building exercises focused on skill development.
  • Recognise learning achievements: Acknowledge and celebrate your team's efforts to continuously learn and grow.

the CPD Group team

The CPD Group team

Here at The CPD Group, we understand the critical role professional development plays in keeping your skills sharp and your career thriving. Weโ€™re passionate about providing accessible high-quality Continuing Professional Development (CPD) opportunities. This Learning at Work Week, we encourage you to explore our diverse range of services to empower your learning:

Provider Approval - Approve your business to signify that you are CPD ready.

Activity Accreditation - Accredit your CPD Activities, Webinars, Edutorials, and Podcasts, demonstrating that the learning you deliver is of the very best quality!

Trainer Accreditation - Accredit the people delivering learning materials, verifying your credentials and instilling confidence in your learners.

Contact us today to discuss your learning goals and explore how we can empower you or your business to achieve them!

๐Ÿ‘‰ 0300 3732 528 | [email protected] ๐Ÿ‘ˆ