Four Day Working Week Trial: Results!

Four Day Working Week Trial: Results!

As you may be aware, for the past four months we have been conducting a trial of the four day working week. We undertook this trial as a result of research completed by Four Day Global, who reported excellent results from their pilot schemes. As the four month trial comes to an end, we have made the decision to adopt this innovative approach on a permanent basis! This milestone marks a significant shift in our company's culture, focusing on the well-being and productivity of our exceptional team of hard-working staff.

Throughout the trial period, our team experienced a range of positive changes that reinforced our belief in the benefits of a four-day working week. The feedback we received from our staff was overwhelmingly positive, highlighting the profound impact this change has had on their work-life balance, motivation, and overall job satisfaction.

At The CPD Group, we're not just passionate about our customer's professional development services - we're also dedicated to the continuous development of our own workplace, implementing measures that supports the development of our team.

We're saying YES to the four day week! 🙌

By allowing our team members to have an additional day off each week, we witnessed a remarkable improvement in their overall well-being and mental health. They had more quality time to spend with their loved ones, pursue personal interests, and focus on self-care, resulting in a renewed sense of energy and enthusiasm upon their return to work!

The positive impact of the four day working week extends beyond our office and into the home lives of our team members' families, friends, and even beloved pets! This newfound balance has allowed our employees to cherish moments with loved ones, explore new experiences, and return to work with a fresh perspective, ready to face new challenges with enthusiasm!

What do our staff say? 💬

Take a look at what some of our members of staff have to say about the four day working week:

"I love having 4 day working weeks as it gives me an extra day to go travel to see my family."

Dylan, Software Developer

"I enjoy the four-day week as it gives me that extra time to focus on completing my qualifications without compromising that all-important family time."

Jade, External Compliance Officer

"What I love most about having Fridays off every week is I get time to do the housework so I can relax at the weekend, and I get to spend time with my dog Barry!"

Matt, Events Manager

"The four day week allows me to have more 'me time'."

Michelle, Finance Director

Staff reported that they had more time to rest and recharge ready for the week ahead

"I like the Four Day Work Week as it allows me to spend more time with my son and use my weekends more constructively."

India, Accreditation and Compliance Team

"Having Fridays off has been beneficial to me, as I am able to do all household chores whilst the kids are at school without distractions. I also have an extra day to fill my social calendar, and top up my tan if the weather is nice"

Gina, Finance Manager

"I like the four day working week as I don't have to compromise what I'd like to do as I have plenty of time across the long weekend."

Rebecca, Accreditation and Compliance Manager

Our staff reported a big improvement in their work/life balance

I think the 4 day working week is great because it allows me to have some free time and do things i don’t have time to do on a weekend due to playing bowls around the country. 

Abby, Software Developer

"It has been a breath of fresh air! I have a young son and gives me the opportunity to take him and pick him up from school and we get the chance to do things together, like go to the park or mess round in the paddling pool after school (on hot days obviously!). Also, while he is at school I get the chance to do those jobs, like cut the grass, wash the car, things that take up time on the weekend, or, of course, squeeze in a cheeky round of Golf!"

Andy, Chief Operating Officer

"Working four days a week just feels right. I feel like I can recharge myself for the next week."

Logan, Marketing Executive

This is just the beginning!

Our journey towards embracing the four-day working week doesn't end here. We understand that maintaining productivity and exceptional service remains paramount. As we move forward, we will continue to fine-tune our processes, encourage innovation, and support professional development initiatives to ensure that our team remains at the top of their game. Our main aim is to ensure that we continue to raise CPD standards, and continue to accredit fantastic CPD providers, courses, events, trainers and more!

We want to express our gratitude to each member of our team for their dedication, hard work, and invaluable feedback during the trial. Your commitment to excellence and adaptability has been the driving force behind this transformative change!

As we embark on this new chapter, we remain deeply committed to delivering the highest standards of service to our customers and partners. We are confident that this permanent shift to a four-day workweek will empower our team to continue thriving personally and professionally, resulting in even greater value and support for all our valued customers.

Watch the video here: